Friday, May 8, 2015

In the last nine weeks of Bible Class, we are focusing on various current events that have moral implications. I want the kids to see what's going on in the world through a biblical worldview. So far, we have learned about biblical marriage, pop-culture, abortion, Islam and terrorism, cults, and differences between Protestantism and Catholicism.  I know this is a random bunch of topics, but I kept these miscellaneous topics for the end of the school year. I tried to pick topics that are relevant to the kids. I want them to see what the "world" says and what the Bible says on any given topic. I want them to be able to apply what they have learned all year to current events.

This nine weeks there aren't any projects or books to read in my class. They have worked hard all year. I know they are ready for summer break and have many other classes to worry about. Their grades will be based upon quizzes, classwork, notebook, and tests.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Please remind your student to turn in his/her paper Friday.
I handed out the requirements early in January. Let me know if you need any help!

-Jared Buchanan

Monday, February 2, 2015


           So far since returning from Christmas break, the students have learned several key doctrines found in the Bible. For example, in week one I taught them about the Doctrine of Theology Proper. This is the study of God the Father and all His attributes such as holiness, sovereignty, and immutability. In week two the students learned about Christ. This study is called, "Christology." Week three students learned about sin and the effects it has on our mind, body, will, emotions, and heart. Finally, the students learned the Doctrine of Regeneration in week four; how God regenerates our entire being at the moment of salvation by His grace through God-given faith.
        I know these are difficult concepts for anyone to understand. Whether you have been in the faith a few years or many years these doctrines sometimes are difficult to grasp! I understand this and do my best to teach slowly and be on their level. Overall, the students did a good job listening and understanding.
      We have had three quizzes so far along with an open-notes test. I have given al their work back to them. They also have been given weekly board work grades. Grades are up for your viewing. Board work isn't yet due to missing work from several students.
      Last, remind your child to read their book. Completion of reading will count for a test grade at the end of the nine weeks. Also, I have assigned a reading report on the book that is also due at the end of the nine weeks. I gave out directions during week one. If you do not have a copy I can give your child another.

In Christ,

Jared Buchanan

Monday, January 5, 2015


         I like to thank all my students who worked hard last semester. We covered many topics and had great discussions as a class. This semester I will be teaching on some of the core doctrines of Christianity. We will focus on the Doctrines of God, Man and the Atonement while also learning about the Holy Spirit, Christ, Sanctification, and Glorification as time permits.
        My hope is that the students will find these topics interesting, fulfilling, and helpful as they formulate their own personal worldview. It's my aim that they will be biblically informed as they do so.
       Questions? email me at or call 484-3548

-Jared Buchanan